
Class ThemeGraduatedSymbol

  • public class ThemeGraduatedSymbol
    extends Theme
    The graduated symbol thematic map
    • Constructor Detail

      • ThemeGraduatedSymbol

        public ThemeGraduatedSymbol()
        Construction method
      • ThemeGraduatedSymbol

        public ThemeGraduatedSymbol(ThemeGraduatedSymbol themeGraduatedSymbol)
        Construction method
        themeGraduatedSymbol - The graduated symbol thematic map
    • Method Detail

      • getExpression

        public java.lang.String getExpression()
        Returns the field or field expression which is used for creating a graduated symbol thematic map
        Returns the field or field expression which is used for creating a graduated symbol thematic map
      • setExpression

        public void setExpression(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the field or field expression which is used for creating a graduated symbol thematic map
        value - Sets the field or field expression which is used for creating a graduated symbol thematic map
      • getGraduatedMode

        public GraduatedMode getGraduatedMode()
        display mode.
        display mode.
      • setGraduatedMode

        public void setGraduatedMode(GraduatedMode value)
        display mode.
        value - display mode.
      • getOffsetX

        public java.lang.String getOffsetX()
        Gets the false easting of the coordinates.
        The false easting
      • setOffsetX

        public void setOffsetX(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the false easting
        value - The false easting
      • getOffsetY

        public java.lang.String getOffsetY()
        Gets the false northing
        The false northing
      • setOffsetY

        public void setOffsetY(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the false northing
        value - The false northing
      • getLeaderLineStyle

        public GeoStyle getLeaderLineStyle()
        Gets the styles of restriction lines among objects
        the styles of restriction lines among objects
      • setLeaderLineStyle

        public void setLeaderLineStyle(GeoStyle style)
        Sets the styles of restriction lines among objects
        style - the styles of restriction lines among objects
      • isLeaderLineDisplayed

        public boolean isLeaderLineDisplayed()
        Gets whether to show the leader line that connects the thematic map and the corresponding objects.
        Whether to show the leader line that connects the thematic map and the corresponding objects.
      • setLeaderLineDisplayed

        public void setLeaderLineDisplayed(boolean value)
        Sets whether to show the leader line that connects the thematic map and the corresponding objects.
        value - Whether to show the leader line that connects the thematic map and the corresponding objects.
      • isFlowEnabled

        public boolean isFlowEnabled()
        Gets whether to allow the statistical thematic map to display objects flowing
        whether to allow the statistical thematic map to display objects flowing
      • setFlowEnabled

        public void setFlowEnabled(boolean value)
        Sets whether to allow the statistical thematic map to display objects flowing
        value - whether to allow the statistical thematic map to display objects flowing
      • getNegativeStyle

        public GeoStyle getNegativeStyle()
        Gets the styles of thematic types of negative values
        Gets the styles of thematic types of negative values
      • setNegativeStyle

        public void setNegativeStyle(GeoStyle style)
        Sets the styles of thematic types of negative values
        style - Gets the styles of thematic types of negative values
      • isNegativeDisplayed

        public boolean isNegativeDisplayed()
        Whether to display the thematic types of negative values, True means yes
        Whether to display the thematic types of negative values, True means yes
      • setNegativeDisplayed

        public void setNegativeDisplayed(boolean value)
        Sets whether to display the thematic types of negative values, True means yes
        value - Sets whether to display the thematic types of negative values, True means yes
      • getZeroStyle

        public GeoStyle getZeroStyle()
        Gets the styles of thematic types of 0
        the styles of thematic types of 0
      • setZeroStyle

        public void setZeroStyle(GeoStyle style)
        Sets the styles of thematic types of 0
        style - the styles of thematic types of 0
      • isZeroDisplayed

        public boolean isZeroDisplayed()
        Returns whether to display the thematic types of 0, True means yes
        Whether to display the thematic types of 0, True means yes
      • setZeroDisplayed

        public void setZeroDisplayed(boolean value)
        Sets whether to display the thematic types of 0, True means yes
        value - Whether to display the thematic types of 0, True means yes
      • getPositiveStyle

        public GeoStyle getPositiveStyle()
        Gets the styles of thematic types of positive value
        the styles of thematic types of positive value
      • setPositiveStyle

        public void setPositiveStyle(GeoStyle style)
        Sets the styles of thematic types of positive value
        style - the styles of thematic types of positive value
      • getBaseValue

        public double getBaseValue()
        The size of each symbol is equal to PositiveStyle ( ZeroStyle or NegativeStyle).SymbolSize*value/basevalue. Value is the value after classification. value is the value corresponding with Expression.
        The size of each symbol is equal to PositiveStyle ( ZeroStyle or NegativeStyle).SymbolSize*value/basevalue. Value is the value after classification. value is the value corresponding with Expression.
      • setBaseValue

        public void setBaseValue(double value)
        The size of each symbol is equal to PositiveStyle ( ZeroStyle or NegativeStyle).SymbolSize*value/basevalue. Value is the value after classification. value is the value corresponding with Expression.
        value - The size of each symbol is equal to PositiveStyle ( ZeroStyle or NegativeStyle).SymbolSize*value/basevalue. Value is the value after classification. value is the value corresponding with Expression.
      • fromXML

        public boolean fromXML(java.lang.String xml)
        Turns a xml file to a thematic map
        fromXML in class Theme
        xml - The XML strings that contains the information about a thematic map.
        A boolean, return true if it is removed successfully; false otherwise.
      • isOffsetFixed

        public boolean isOffsetFixed()
        Returns whether the offsets of symbols in the current thematic map are fixed
        whether the offsets of symbols in the current thematic map are fixed
      • setOffsetFixed

        public void setOffsetFixed(boolean value)
        Sets whether the offsets of symbols in the current thematic map are fixed
        value - whether the offsets of symbols in the current thematic map are fixed
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Converts data to xml
        Specified by:
        toString in class Theme
        The formatted string for the thematic map.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Releases the thematic map
      • makeDefault

        public static ThemeGraduatedSymbol makeDefault(DatasetVector dataset,
                                                       java.lang.String expression,
                                                       GraduatedMode graduatedMode)
        Generates a symbol thematic map according to the given dataset, field expression, and display mode
        dataset - the dataset
        expression - the expression
        graduatedMode - the display mode
        thematic map